Journal of Management Inquiry

"The Journal of Management Inquiry, sponsored by the Western Academy of Management, is a refereed journal for scholars and professionals in management.
JMI’s mission is to contribute to the generation and diffusion of original and thought-provoking knowledge. JMI is catalytic, authoritative, and eclectic, publishing inspired research reflective of the latest theory and practice. We strive to be at the forefront of academic debate in the field of management and organization studies and contribute to the academic dialogue about management, largely defined.
Through distinct sections, JMI publishes ideas that challenge our collective beliefs, push the frontiers of our understanding, and impact both our readers and the larger community.
JMI´s mission is to publish manuscripts that ally the rigor of Administrative Science Quarterly with the style of The New Yorker (or Le Monde or The Economist, if you are not from the U.S.)."
Details about JMI
Article types:
Generative Curiosity
Meet the Person
Provocations & Provocateurs
Reflection on Experience
Six Degrees
Disciplines include:
Organizational Behavior
Organization Management and Theory
Organization Development and Change
Human Resources
Business Policy and Strategy
Research Methods
Gender and Diversity in Organizations
Conflict Management
Technology and Innovation
International Management
Examples of highly read articles: