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Award Information

JMI Scholars Award

  • Eligibility: This award recognizes our colleagues who have distinguished themselves over the course of their careers, have a reputation for mentoring successful researchers, and have personal qualities that enhance the WAM culture.

  • Process: Western Academy of Management and Journal of Management Inquiry sponsors this award

Ascendant Scholars Award

  • Eligibility: Must be a scholar, preferably in a business school in the Western Academy of Management region, and normally someone with a maximum of six to seven years of experience.  To be “ascendant,” the person should have a record that includes:

  1. Great research, which is usually determined by the quality and number of articles published,

  2. Great teaching, which is usually determined by teaching nominations or awards or other types of teaching contributions,

  3. Engaging professional service, whether with the Academy or with business, and

  4. A trajectory or potential that looks very promising for the future.

  • Preference: This is given to nominees who are current members of WAM or regular attendees of WAM meetings, although nominations in the past have not been limited to this group.  Those named a WAM Ascendant Scholar are expected to attend the annual meeting where they will present their research in a special session. 

  • Process:  Nominations are solicited from the membership.  Nominators are asked to please send the person’s name and a CV with relevant information, along with a short note about why they think this person would make a great nominee. The EC reviews the nominees and selects Ascendant Scholars.

Joan G. Dahl Award

  • Eligibility: Presented for extraordinary contributions to the innovation and creativity of WAM, and/or to the professional growth and development of its members.

  • Process: Selected by the President of WAM. 

André Delbecq WAM State of Mind Award

  • Eligibility: This award is intended to recognize members who have supported WAM for long periods of time, often in informal, unsung ways. 

  • Process: Selected by WAM’s EC.

Past President’s Best Paper Award

  • Eligibility: All traditional papers are eligible for the Past Presidents Best Paper award. 

  • Process: The Program Chair assembles a longlist of exemplary Traditional Papers based on recommendations from reviewers and track chairs.  Working from that longlist, WAM’s Past President selects a shortlist of up to five Best Paper Nominees.  The WAM Program Committee, which comprises the Past President, the President, the Program Chair, and the Program Chair-Elect, then reviews and ranks those nominees.  The Best Paper award is based on the rankings of that committee

Best Doctoral Student Paper Award

  • Eligibility: Traditional papers that are sole-authored by doctoral students are eligible for the Best Doctoral Paper award. 

  • Process: Authors are asked to self-identify for the award when submitting papers.  The Program Chair reviews those papers, as well as the recommendations of reviewers and track chairs, and assembles a shortlist of up to five Best Doctoral Paper Nominees. The WAM Program Committee, which comprises the Past President, the President, the Program Chair, and the Program Chair-Elect, reviews and ranks those Nominees.  The Best Doctoral Paper award is based on the rankings of that committee.

Wammy Award

  • Eligibility: A paper accepted and delivered at the annual meeting is eligible for a Wammy Award if it is based on an idea discussed with others at a previous WAM annual meeting. 

  • Process: Authors are asked to self-identify for the award when submitting papers. 


Coveted Double-Wammy Award

  • Eligibility: A paper that has previously received a Wammy Award and is subsequently published in a peer-reviewed outlet is eligible for the Coveted Double-Wammy Award. 

  • Process: Authors are asked to self-identify by contacting the EC when their Wammy Award winning paper is published.

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