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2023 JMI Scholar

Western Academy of Management and Journal of Management Inquiry sponsors this award to recognize our colleagues who have distinguished themselves over the course of their careers, have a reputation for mentoring successful researchers, and have personal qualities that enhance the WAM culture.

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Kim Elsbach
University of California-Davis

Kimberly D. Elsbach (PhD Stanford University) is Professor Emerita at the Graduate School of Management, University of California, Davis.  She is also a Fellow of the Academy of Management, International Research Fellow at the Center for Corporate Reputation, Oxford University and co-founder of the Davis Conference on Qualitative Research.


Kim's research focuses on perception – specifically how people perceive each other and their organizations.  She has studied these perceptual processes in variety of contexts ranging from the California cattle industry, and the National Rifle Association, to Hollywood screenwriters and NASCAR fans.  Some of her recent work examines how crying at work affects perceptions of professional women at work and how self-perceptions influence one’s willingness to take ideas in creative collaborations. 

Past JMI Scholars

Kimberly D. Elsbach (PhD Stanford University) is Professor Emerita at the Graduate School of Management, University of California, Davis.  She is also a Fellow of the Academy of Management, International Research Fellow at the Center for Corporate Reputation, Oxford University and co-founder of the Davis Conference on Qualitative Research. Kim's research focuses on perception – specifically how people perceive each other and their organizations.  She has studied these perceptual processes in variety of contexts ranging from the California cattle industry, and the National Rifle Association, to Hollywood screenwriters and NASCAR fans.  Some of her recent work examines how crying at work affects perceptions of professional women at work and how self-perceptions influence one’s willingness to take ideas in creative collaborations. 

2022: Violina Rindova, University of Southern California

Michael Lounsbury, University of Alberta​


2021: Maureen Ambrose, University of Central Florida

Marshall Schminke, University of Central Florida

Martin Hoegl, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich


2020: Nancy Harding, University of Bath

Linda Smircich, University of Massachusetts

Marta B. Calás, University of Massachusetts


2019: Barry M. Staw, Haas School of Business, University of

California Berkeley


2018:        Jane E. Dutton, University of Michigan

        Nandini Rajagopalan, University of Southern California


2017:           Jean Barunek, Boston College

                    Roy Suddaby, University of Victoria


2016:           Mary Jo Hatch

                    Alan Meyer, University of Oregon


2015:           Wayne Cascio, University of Colorado Denver

                    Edward Zajac, Northwestern University


2014:           Blake Ashforth, Arizona State University

                    Sandra Robinson, University of British Columbia

2013:           Terence Mitchell, University of Washington

                    Gerry McNamara, Michigan State University


2012:           Chuck Snow, Pennsylvania State University

                    Thomas Wright, Kansas State University


2011:           Barry Posner, Santa Clara University

                    Gretchen Spreitzer, University of Michigan


2010:           Joyce Osland, San Jose State University

                    William Torbert, Boston College


2009:        William Starbuck, New York University

                 David Whetten, Brigham Young University


2008:        Joan Winn, Denver University

                 Alan Glassman, California State University                             Northridge


2007:        Denise Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon University


2006:        Tom Cummings, University of Southern                                 California

                 Jone Pearce, University of California, Irvine


2005:        Lyman Porter, University of California Irvine

                 Peter J. Frost, University of British Columbia                         (posthumous)


2004:        Royston Greewood, University of Alberta

                 Don Palmer, University of California, Davis


2003:        C.R. (Bob) Hinings, University of Alberta

                 Joanne Martin, Stanford University

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