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Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortia - WAM 2022, Hawaii

Thursday, March 17th from 9:00 am until 4 pm

Apply by January 20th, 2022

The Junior Faculty Consortium and the Doctoral Student Consortium hosted by the Western Academy of Management (WAM) will be held on Thursday, March 17th, 2022, in-person at Hawaii, along with the WAM Annual conference and meeting. We invite doctoral students at all stages in their program to apply for the Doctoral Consortium and all junior faculty to apply for the Junior Faculty Consortium. WAM consortia especially welcome newcomers to the WAM conference!

The aim of the consortium is to build a supportive community of scholars at all stages of the profession. The consortia program will offer panels, presentations and small group discussions about research, publishing, teaching, and other career-related issues. There will be opportunities to network with scholars, journal editors, award winning ascendant scholars and other conference attendees. Attendees must commit to attending the full session, and plan to join the networking dinner on Wednesday, March 16th, 2022 evening.


Please apply to be considered for attending the consortium by using the appropriate link below.

WAM Doctoral Student Consortium Application:

WAM Junior Faculty Consortium Application:


Applications must be received by January 20th, 2022. Apply early as space is limited. The applications will be processed on a first-come, first-serve basis. All doctoral students and Junior Faculty registered for WAM are eligible to attend the consortium at no extra cost.


For any questions regarding this, please contact the consortium organizers: Dr. Jyoti Bachani ( and/or Dr. Chris Bradshaw ( We hope to see you in Hawaii!

About WAM

WAM began in 1960 as an independent affiliate of the Academy of Management, to foster the general advancement of knowledge in the theory and practice of management in its domestic and international, and public and private, applications. It supports educational and research activities in the field of management and works to improve the teaching of management and promote professionalism in the practice of manageme​nt.​​ For more information, go to:

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