WAM 2021:
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Western Academy of Management
VIRTUAL Annual Meeting
April 21 to April 24, 2021
Conference Theme: RESTORATION
The 2021 Annual Conference will take place in an environment of anxiety regarding the effects of the pandemic and apprehension for what the future holds. Some have called for the acceptance of our current plight as the new normal. Others long for a return to pre-pandemic conditions. As scholars and people, we all have concern for the future health of our campuses, higher education, the organizations and industries we study, and the society we live in. In this context, we would like to suggest that it is not too soon to consider what Management Scholarship can contribute to a future where the best lessons learned from withstanding this pandemic have been applied, and the amount of scar tissue has been minimized. In that regard, the 2021 conference theme is “Restoration” where we use the analogy of progressing from a state of injury or sickness to a state of vitality as a guide to our conference theme submissions. Consider the following steps to recovery:
Healing (stopping the pain, removing the infection, repairing what is broken, performing surgery where required, prescribing the right medicine). In what way are our institutions and organizations in need of healing? What explains why some entities have been more affected than others?
Rehabilitation and Recovery (becoming whole again – taking the needed time [recuperation], doing the hard work [physical therapy], restoring vital systems). What is required for our institutions and organizations to be revitalized and strengthened? What assistance can business schools, and we as management scholars, provide?
Transformation (becoming better than before – adopting healthier habits, discarding dysfunctional routines, questioning old assumptions). What are the fundamental assumptions behind our work? Do they still hold? What is the evidence? What area of our work as academics are worth protecting from administrative, political, and agenda driven pressures? What is the role of leadership, entrepreneurship, or other management disciplines in shaping the future?
Resurrection and Reconnection (becoming reengaged – reentering society, contributing). What challenges do organizations and industries face as they reemerge? What needs to happen for relationships to be reestablished and fractures to be repaired?
We encourage your submissions related to our theme, Restoration. As always, we also invite all scholarly contributions across management disciplines in the following formats 1) Traditional Papers, 2 Developmental Papers, 3) Symposia, 4) Workshops, and 5) Panels. Submission guidelines including detailed instructions for each type of submission and a list of tracks can be found here:
If you had a submission accepted for the WAM 2020 Conference in Hawaii and you have not subsequently presented or published the submission elsewhere, you may elect to have your submission included in the 2021 virtual conference. Further instructions are included in the Submission Guidelines on the website.
Important Dates
Submission Portal Opens: 18 December, 2020
New Submission Deadline: Thursday, 11 February 2021
On behalf of the Western Academy of Management Board of Directors:
Kim Hinrichs
Program Chair WAM 2021